"In 1534, Jacques Cartier, under a commission from the King of France, made a voyage to America, in which he visited the Island of Newfoundland, and discovered the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The following year, during a second voyage, he proceeded up the Gulf of St. Lawrence, to the Isle of Orleans, and then as far as Montreal. Here he found a large Indian settlement, by the inhabitants of which, he was well treated. This Indian settlement was called Hochelaga. Cartier gave it the name of Mount Royal, from a mountain in the neighborhood. From this circumstance the island and city of Montreal derive their name.
He spent the winter at the Isle of Orleans, and in the spring returned to France.
In 1540, Cartier again visited America, with the intention of forming a settlement. He built a fort at some distance from the Isle of Orleans; but, in the following spring, not having received anticipated supplies, he set sail, to return to France with his colony. At Newfoundland, he met with three ships and two hundred persons, on their way to the new settlement. Cartier proceeded on his voyage to France. The other ships continued their course to the fort which Cartier had left. After passing a distressing winter, the whole party, abandoning the settlement, in the spring returned to France."
— A History of the United States, by Charles A. Goodrich, 1857 (edited)